Buff Up To Fight Fatigue

As people age, they generally lose muscle mass and strength. Progressive resistance strength training, where participants routinely exercise their muscles against a progressively increasing resistance (via elastic bands, free weights, or exercise machines), might be the key to maintaining physical function. ARS-funded researchers at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Center on Aging in Boston, MA, have found that this type of exercise regimen may improve muscle strength and muscle fatigue in older adults with limited mobility.
The scientists recruited 70 mobility-limited older adults (aged 70-92 years) and randomly assigned them to participate in either progressive resistance training or home-based flexibility training – involving activities such as yoga, stretches, and lunges – 3 times per week for a span of 12 weeks. After 12 weeks, the progressive resistance training group showed significant improvements in terms of muscle fatigue and strength, especially in comparison with the home- based flexibility group. The results of the study are promising; with effective progressive resistance and strength training, older adults may be able to prolong independence and ultimately improve their quality of life.