ARS’s Animal Production and Protection (APP) program aims to improve the health, well-being, and efficiency of livestock, poultry, and aquatic food animals to ensure a productive and safe food supply. Emphasis is placed on germplasm characterization, improvement, and conservation; understanding the mechanisms of disease resistance; and the development of vaccines and tools to prevent, control, or eradicate diseases that threaten our food supply or public health.

ARS’s Crop Production and Protection (CPP) program helps ensure that Americans continue to enjoy the most abundant, affordable, safe, and nutritious food supply in history. The research done within CPP delivers science-based information, genetic resources, and technologies for increased crop productivity, economically and environmentally sustainable methods of crop production, and protection from plant diseases and pests.

ARS’s Natural Resources and Sustainable Agricultural Systems (NRSAS) program provides innovative solutions that ensure sustainable food production while also protecting our natural resources, leading to agricultural production systems that adapt to changing climate and are sustainable for future generations. NRSAS supports researchers in developing the technologies and strategies needed to help farmers, ranchers, and other natural resource managers effectively steward the diverse agricultural ecosystems across the Nation.

ARS’s Nutrition, Food Safety, and Quality (NFSQ) program coordinates and leads ARS research to define the role of food and its components in optimizing health for all Americans. The NFSQ supports researchers who develop tests and processes that keep the food supply safe, reduce and control pathogens and toxins in agricultural products, and improve the economic viability and competitiveness of American agriculture.

The Office of International Research Engagement and Cooperation (OIREC) coordinates ARS’s international relationships and helps empower ARS researchers to develop new ideas, approaches, expertise, and resources beyond U.S. borders. OIREC leverages its extensive international network of experts in science, agriculture, politics, diplomacy, and security to help ARS scientists identify emerging ideas and solutions, increase the impact of research and development spending, and deliver new knowledge and technologies.